Best Mac Tool For A Timeline

According to one recent estimate, a new Weblog is created every second. Everyone from your geeky IT coworker to your Uncle Marvin has one already. So why don’t you? If you’ve got something—anything—you want to share with the rest of the world, a blog is the place to do it. And it’s never been easier to jump on the blogging bandwagon. The tools and services required are inexpensive (and often free) and as simple (or as powerful) as you want.

Look no further than our list of the best Mac apps available around the internet, from excellent productivity tools to social media apps, entertainment, and security software! It’s a subtle. Download The Timeline Project for free. Cross-platform app for displaying and navigating events on a timeline. The Timeline Project aims to create a free, cross-platform application for displaying and navigating events on a timeline.

Right now, the blogging tools most popular with Mac users are TypePad and Movable Type, both from Six Apart; Blogspot and Blogger, from Blogger (now part of Google); and WordPress, an open-source tool.

These five tools range in power and complexity from simple-but-limited (TypePad, Blogger, and Blogspot) to do-pretty-much-anything-but-may-require-coding (WordPress). Movable Type is somewhere between these two extremes.

Two of them—TypePad and Blogspot—also provide the hosting services you need in order to put your blog on the Web. The other three require that you arrange the hosting yourself (though that’s not especially hard to do).

Here are the tools I’d recommend for different sorts of bloggers.

Hosts with the most

If you’ve never set up and maintained a Web page, you may want to start your blogging career with one of the two hosted services, TypePad or Blogspot. Simply put, this means that your blog will have the

TypePad- Of the two, TypePad is more straightforward: with it, you can have a new blog online within a few minutes. Click on a few buttons in your browser, enter your credit card number, and choose a design, and your site is live. But even with all that simplicity, TypePad offers some decent extras. It allows readers to comment on your posts, and it lets you categorize your posts by topic (or whatever) for easier navigation. Like all the services mentioned here, it supports XML syndication (so readers can keep track of your blog in their RSS news readers).

Blogging tools compared

BlogspotTypePad BasicTypePad PlusTypePad ProBloggerMovable TypeMovable Type BasicMovable Type UnlimitedWordPress
Full HTML EditingYesNoNoYesYesYesYesYesYes
RSS/Atom SupportYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Multiple BlogsYesNoYesYesYesYesYesYesNo
Multiple AuthorsYesNoNoYesYesNoYesYesYes
Image UploadingYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Automatic Thumbnail CreationNoYesYesYesNoYesYesYesYes
Costfree$5/month or $50/year$9/month or $90/year$15/month or $150/yearfreefree$70 *$100 *free
Drive Space ProvidedYesYesYesYesNoNoNoNoNo
Custom Domain NamesNoNoYesYesYesYesYesYesYes

* Personal licenses; terms vary for commercial, educational, and nonprofit licensees.

But TypePad has drawbacks. For one, it’s the only blogging service described here that doesn’t offer a free version. You can try it out for 30 days; after that, you’ll have to pay $5 to $15 per month (or $50 to $150 a year), depending on the service level you choose (Basic, Plus, or Pro), to keep adding to your site. At the Basic level, TypePad is pretty limited unless you know some HTML. For example, its Mixed Media Layout designs look like promising ways to share photos and even video—but you can’t use them without learning some HTML tags. The Plus and Pro accounts offer more flexibility and power, letting multiple authors contribute or letting you run multiple blogs yourself. But, again, you have to pay for the increased level of service.

Blogspot- For a simple solution that doesn’t cost money, check out Blogspot. If you just want to enter plain text and upload images, it’s got everything you need and doesn’t require any HTML knowledge. Just start an account, name your blog, choose a template, and start posting. You can adjust your blog’s settings, and you can even tweak its layout (a bit), without digging into any code. But to go further, even to do something as simple as change the links in your sidebar from the default ones (links to “Edit Me” are sure signs of a blogging newbie), you’ll need to learn some code.

Serving yourself

The other three tools (Blogger, Movable Type, and WordPress) let you put your blog on whatever Web host you want. The most immediate advantage of this is that you get to use your own domain name, instead of a lengthy URL that includes the name of your service. Beyond that cosmetic effect, using your own host with Movable Type or WordPress means that you’re running the blogging software on your own server, not someone else’s, so you have complete control over your blog. However, it also means that you’ll have to fix problems yourself if any occur. (For more on hosting, see “Blogging Tips and Tricks.”)

Blogger- Of the three tools that come without hosting, Blogger is by far the simplest. In fact, the only difference between Blogger and Blogspot is Blogspot’s hosting service. Otherwise, they supply the same tools for building a blog and posting to it. If you’re using Blogspot and want to move to a host of your own, the transition is easy: just click on the Switch To FTP link and fill out a form, and your existing blog will be moved (see “Blogger Upgrade”). With other blogging tools, you’ll need to export and import your posts. Because it’s basically identical to Blogspot, without the convenience of the hosting service, Blogger has been waning in popularity lately.

Movable Type- Like TypePad, Movable Type costs money. Unlike TypePad, it has a free version that lets you (and only you—no multiple authors) run as many as three blogs; however, the drawback to the free service is that it does not include customer support. The $70 Basic version supports as many as five authors and unlimited blogs; the $100 package supports unlimited authors and blogs. Note, also, that Movable Type is now offering blog hosting through partners: (a well-known hosting company), for example, sells Movable Type blog hosting for $6 a month on top of its standard fees. In the long run, it’s the most expensive option of them all, but it’s by far the simplest if you need a high-end tool.

Whichever license you choose, Movable Type is substantially more powerful than TypePad. While it lets you easily create multiple Weblogs (by clicking on Create New Weblog and filling out an online form), it also supports advanced Web technologies such as dynamic publishing. Because it’s written in Perl and the source code is available to anyone who wants to play with it, there are many third-party plug-ins that can enhance your site. In part because of that sophistication, initial installation of Movable Type can be difficult, particularly for Web newbies.

WordPress- By contrast, WordPress is known for its easy setup. But at the same time, it’s the most powerful of these blogging tools. While WordPress is accessible enough for intermediate bloggers, advanced Web authors will really appreciate it.

WordPress is written in PHP and is an open-source app, so its code is freely accessible. And an active developer community works constantly to improve and enhance it. If you want something unusual, there’s a good chance that somebody has already written it (see “WordPress Plus”); if not, you’re welcome to write it yourself. WordPress’s biggest drawback is that if you want to run more than one blog, you’ll need to install additional copies of the app. And like so many other open-source tools, WordPress’s documentation is in sore need of some volunteer help.

Powered by Mac

SiteBlogging Software
43 FoldersTypePad
Andy Ihnatko's Yellowtextcustom
Backup BrainMoveable Type
Complete Digital PhotographyWordPress
Crazy Apple Rumors SiteMovable Type
Daring FireballMovable Type
EngadgetBlogsmith (proprietary)
Mac OS X HintsGeeklog
Mac News NetworkWordPress
mrbarrett.comMovable Type
The Unofficial Apple WeblogBlogsmith (proprietary)

Get blogging

In choosing the right blogging tool, it all comes down to what works best for you. Do you just want to dip your toes into the blogging waters? Try Blogspot. It’s the perfect (and a very common) place to start, it’s free, and, because it’s hosted, you don’t have to worry about maintaining it. Want more functionality without the hosting pains? Go for one of the paid TypePad accounts. Want to put several blogs on that unused domain name you’ve had all these years? Try Movable Type. Want to dive into the code and tweak your blog to your heart’s content (and help out the open-source community at the same time)? Then you’re a WordPress user.

No matter which blogging tool seems best for you, time’s a-wasting. In the time you spent reading this article, 600 new blogs were created.

If you want to create a graphical representation of a sequence of events, such as the milestones in a project or the main events of a person's life, you can use a SmartArt graphic timeline. After you create the timeline, you can add more dates, move dates, change layouts and colors, and apply different styles.

Newer versionsOffice 2010Office 2007

Create a timeline

  1. On the Insert tab, click SmartArt.

  2. In the Choose a SmartArt Graphic gallery, click Process, and then double-click a timeline layout.

    Tip: There are two timeline SmartArt graphics: Basic timeline and Circle Accent Timeline, but you can also use almost any process-related SmartArt graphic.

  3. Click [Text], and then type or paste your text in the SmartArt graphic.

    Note: You can also open the Text Pane and type your text there. If you do not see the Text Pane, on the SmartArt ToolsDesign tab, click Text Pane.

Other timeline tasks

Add more dates to your timeline

  1. Click a shape in the timeline.

  2. On the SmartArt ToolsDesign tab, do one of the following:

    • To add an earlier date, click Add Shape, and then click Add Shape Before.

    • To add a later date, click Add Shape, and then click Add Shape After.

  3. In the new date box, type the date that you want.

Move a date in your timeline

  1. On the timeline, click the date you want to move.

  2. On the SmartArt ToolsDesign tab, do one of the following:

    • To move a date sooner than the selected date, click Move Up.

  3. To move a date later than the selected date, click Move Down.

Change to a different timeline layout

  1. Click the SmartArt graphic timeline.

  2. On the SmartArt ToolsDesign tab, in the Layouts group, click More .

    Note: To view only the timeline and process-related layouts, at the bottom of the layouts list, click More Layouts, and then click Process.

  3. Pick a timeline or process-related SmartArt graphic, like the following:

    • To show progression in a timeline, click Accent Process.

    • To create a timeline with pictures or photos, click Continuous Picture List. The circular shapes are designed to contain pictures.

Change the colors of your timeline

  1. Click the SmartArt graphic timeline.

  2. On the SmartArt ToolsDesign tab, click Change Colors.

    Note: If you don't see the SmartArt ToolsDesign tab, make sure you’ve selected the timeline.

  3. Click the color combination that you want.

Tip: Place your pointer over any combination to see a preview of how the colors look in your timeline.

Apply a SmartArt style

A SmartArt style applies a combination of effects, such as line style, bevel, or 3-D perspective, in one click, to give your timeline a professionally polished look.

  1. Click the timeline.

  2. On the SmartArt ToolsDesign tab, click the style you want.

    Tip: For more styles, click More , in the lower right corner of the Styles box.

See also

Create a timeline

  1. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click SmartArt.

  2. In the Choose a SmartArt Graphic gallery, click Process, and then double-click a timeline layout (such as Basic Timeline).

  3. To enter your text, do one of the following:

    • Click [Text] in the Text pane, and then type your text.

    • Copy text from another location or program, click [Text] in the Text pane, and then paste your text.

      Note: If the Text pane is not visible, click the control.

    • Click in an entry in the SmartArt graphic, and then type your text.

      Note: For best results, use this option after you add all of the entries that you want.

Other timeline tasks

Add an entry

  1. Jdk tool for mac. Click the SmartArt graphic that you want to add another entry to.

  2. Click the existing entry that is located closest to where you want to add the new entry.

  3. Under SmartArt Tools, on the Design tab, in the Create Graphic group, click the arrow next to Add Shape.

    If you don't see the SmartArt Tools or Design tabs, make sure that you've selected the SmartArt graphic. You might have to double-click the SmartArt graphic to open the Design tab.

  4. Do one of the following:

    • To insert an entry after the selected entry, click Add Shape After.

    • To insert an entry before the selected entry, click Add Shape Before.

Office Timeline For Mac

Delete an entry

To delete an entry from your timeline, do one of the following:

  • In the SmartArt graphic, select the text for the textbox for the entry that you want to delete, and then press DELETE.

  • In the Text pane, select the all of the text for the entry that you want to delete, and then press DELETE.


    • To add a shape from the Text pane:

      1. At the shape level, place your cursor at the end of the text where you want to add a new shape.

      2. Press ENTER, and then type the text that you want in your new shape.

Move an entry in your timeline

  1. In the text pane, select the entry that you want to move.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • To move the entry to an earlier date, under SmartArt Tools, on the Design tab, in the Create Graphic group, click Move Up.

    • To move the entry to a later date, under SmartArt Tools, on the Design tab, in the Create Graphic group, click Move Down.

      If you don't see the SmartArt Tools or Design tabs, make sure that you've selected the SmartArt graphic. You might have to double-click the SmartArt graphic to open the Design tab.

Change to a different timeline layout

  1. Right-click the timeline that you want to change, and then click Change Layout.

  2. Click Process, and then do one of the following:

    • For a simple but effective timeline, click Basic Timeline.

    • To show a progression, a timeline, or sequential steps in a task, process, or workflow, click Accent Process.

    • To illustrate a timeline with pictures or photos, click Continuous Picture List. The circular shapes are designed to contain pictures.

Note: You can also change the layout of your SmartArt graphic by clicking a layout option in the Layouts group on the Design tab under SmartArt Tools. When you point to a layout option, your SmartArt graphic changes to show you a preview of how it would look with that layout.

Change the colors of your timeline

To quickly add a designer-quality look and polish to your SmartArt graphic, you can change the colors or apply a style to your timeline. You can also add effects, such as glows, soft edges, or 3-D effects. Using Microsoft PowerPoint 2010, you can also animate your timeline.

Timeline software for mac

You can apply color combinations that are derived from the theme colors to the entries in your SmartArt graphic.

  1. Click the SmartArt graphic whose color you want to change.

  2. Under SmartArt Tools, on the Design tab, in the SmartArt Styles group, click Change Colors.

    If you don't see the SmartArt Tools or Design tabs, make sure that you've selected the SmartArt graphic.

  3. Click the color combination that you want.

Tip: When you place your pointer over a thumbnail, you can see how the colors affect your SmartArt graphic.

Change the line color or style of an entry's border

  1. In the SmartArt graphic, right-click the border of the entry you want to change, and then click Format Shape.

  2. To change the color of the entry's border, click Line Color, click Color , and then click the color that you want.

  3. To change the style of the entry's border, click Line Style, and then choose the line styles you want.

Change the background color of an entry in your timeline

  1. Click the SmartArt graphic you want to change.

  2. Right-click the border of an entry, and then click Format Shape.

  3. Click Fill, and then click Solid fill.

  4. Click Color , and then click the color that you want.

To change the background to a color that is not in the theme colors, click More Colors, and then either click the color that you want on the Standard tab, or mix your own color on the Custom tab. Custom colors and colors on the Standard tab are not updated if you later change the document theme.

To specify how much you can see through the background color, move the Transparency slider, or enter a number in the box next to the slider. You can vary the percentage of transparency from 0% (fully opaque, the default setting) to 100% (fully transparent).

Timeline Tools Free

Apply a SmartArt Style to your timeline

A SmartArt Style is a combination of various effects, such as line style, bevel, or 3-D perspective that you can apply to the entries in your SmartArt graphic to create a unique and professionally-designed look.

  1. Click the SmartArt graphic you want to change.

  2. Under SmartArt Tools, on the Design tab, in the SmartArt Styles group, click the SmartArt Style that you want.

    To see more SmartArt Styles, click the More button .

Note: When you place your pointer over a thumbnail, you can see how the SmartArt Style affects your SmartArt graphic.

See also

Create a timeline

  1. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click SmartArt.

  2. In the Choose a SmartArt Graphic gallery, click Process, and then double-click a timeline layout (such as Basic Timeline).

  3. To enter your text, do one of the following:

    • Click [Text] in the Text pane, and then type your text.

    • Copy text from another location or program, click [Text] in the Text pane, and then paste your text.

      Note: If the Text pane is not visible, click the control.

    • Click in an entry in the SmartArt graphic, and then type your text.

      Note: For best results, use this option after you add all of the entries that you want.

Other timeline tasks

Add an entry

  1. Click the SmartArt graphic that you want to add another entry to.

  2. Click the existing entry that is located closest to where you want to add the new entry.

  3. Under SmartArt Tools, on the Design tab, in the Create Graphic group, click the arrow under Add Shape.

    If you don't see the SmartArt Tools or Design tabs, make sure that you've selected the SmartArt graphic.

  4. Do one of the following:

    • To insert an entry after the selected entry, click Add Shape After.

    • To insert an entry before the selected entry, click Add Shape Before.

Delete an entry

To delete an entry from your timeline, click the entry you want to delete, and then press DELETE.


  • To add a shape from the Text pane:

    1. At the shape level, place your cursor at the end of the text where you want to add a new shape.

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    2. Press ENTER, and then type the text that you want in your new shape.

    3. To add an assistant box, press ENTER while an assistant box is selected in the Text pane.

Move an entry in your timeline

  • To move an entry, click the entry, and then drag it to its new location.

  • To move an entry in very small increments, hold down CTRL while you press the arrow keys on your keyboard.

Change to a different timeline layout

  1. Right-click the timeline that you want to change, and then click Change Layout.

  2. Click Process, and then do one of the following:

Note: You can also change the layout of your SmartArt graphic by clicking a layout option in the Layouts group on the Design tab under SmartArt Tools. When you point to a layout option, your SmartArt graphic changes to show you a preview of how it would look with that layout.

Change the colors of your timeline

To quickly add a designer-quality look and polish to your SmartArt graphic, you can change the colors or apply a SmartArt Style to your timeline. You can also add effects, such as glows, soft edges, or 3-D effects. Using PowerPoint 2007 presentations, you can animate your timeline.

You can apply color combinations that are derived from the theme colors to the entries in your SmartArt graphic.

  1. Click the SmartArt graphic whose color you want to change.

  2. Under SmartArt Tools, on the Design tab, in the SmartArt Styles group, click Change Colors.

    If you don't see the SmartArt Tools or Design tabs, make sure that you've selected the SmartArt graphic.

  3. Click the color combination that you want.

Tip: When you place your pointer over a thumbnail, you can see how the colors affect your SmartArt graphic.

Change the line color or style of an entry's border

  1. In the SmartArt graphic, right-click the border of the entry you want to change, and then click Format Shape.

  2. To change the color of the entry's border, click Line Color, click Color , and then click the color that you want.

  3. To change the style of the entry's border, click Line Style, and then choose the line styles you want.

Change the background color of an entry in your timeline

  1. Click the SmartArt graphic you want to change.

  2. Right-click the border of an entry, and then click Format Shape.

  3. Click Fill, and then click Solid fill.

  4. Click Color , and then click the color that you want.

To change the background to a color that is not in the theme colors, click More Colors, and then either click the color that you want on the Standard tab, or mix your own color on the Custom tab. Custom colors and colors on the Standard tab are not updated if you later change the document theme.

To specify how much you can see through the background color, move the Transparency slider, or enter a number in the box next to the slider. You can vary the percentage of transparency from 0% (fully opaque, the default setting) to 100% (fully transparent).

Apply a SmartArt Style to your timeline

A SmartArt Style is a combination of various effects, such as line style, bevel, or 3-D, that you can apply to the entries in your SmartArt graphic to create a unique and professionally designed look.

  1. Click the SmartArt graphic you want to change.

  2. Under SmartArt Tools, on the Design tab, in the SmartArt Styles group, click the SmartArt Style that you want.

    To see more SmartArt Styles, click the More button .

Best Timeline Software For Mac

  • When you place your pointer over a thumbnail, you can see how the SmartArt Style affects your SmartArt graphic.

  • You can also customize your SmartArt graphic by moving entries, resizing entries, adding a fill or effect, and adding a picture.

Animate your timeline

If you're using PowerPoint 2007, you can animate your timeline to emphasize each entry.

  1. Click the timeline that you want to animate.

  2. On the Animations tab, in the Animations group, click Animate, and then click One by one.

Mac Os Timeline

Note: If you copy a timeline that has an animation applied to it to another slide, the animation is also copied.

Timeline Software For Mac

See also