Redis Tool For Mac

Installing Redis on Mac OS X May 22, 2012 Quick Tips install, mac, mac os x, quick tips, redis, tips jasdeep This post explains how you can install Redis on your Mac OS X system. How to install Redis on Mac the easy way? In this post, we are going to use DBngin, the free all-in-one database version management tool. It helps you create a local Redis server within a click with no command involved.

- Before we start looking at potential clientsand the one we'll use in this course,let's go ahead and install redis.First on our system,there is a version of redis ported for Windowsand you can get it by going tothis page here soit's ''Then when you get to that page,you can scroll all the way downto the installation instructions.Please take note that redis was madefor UNIX based systems. \3.77 volt\ wall charger for mac tool flashlight.

So it works well with Linux,it works well with Mac.It's not made for Windows.So for those that want to try it with Windows,it's going to work with that portbut be aware that there's going to be some issues.Sometimes, it may be unsupported at this point.It's not the supported version by redis themselves.Just a note.Or you can actually do it on Windows as well.The commands that we're going to dowhether it's on Mac, Linux, and Windowsare the same when we're using the 'cli' client.So if you're using Windows, and using terminalyou can enter the same command that we're going to do. Sam spade hacking tool for mac.

No problem there.Okay, so let's go ahead and install iton our system.So go to redis.iothen go into the download section hereso check the downloads pagethen scroll all the way downto the installation section here.So if you have the Apple developer tools installed,you can do the wget no problem.If you don't,and we'll just assume that you don't.We'll do a curl instead.So copy this line here.

Or copy the whole lineif you have the Apple developer tools.Get into your terminal.And do 'curl-O'then paste that address.So for our Windows folks,make sure you do not use git bashand use regular command prompt that comes with Windowsif you want to get the same results.I am here.And it will download the files that we need.Then we need to extract those filesso do a tarand xzf, which is a special command.

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Itool for mac. To do that, select the fourth menu option with some Chinese characters and “(T)” at the end of it, then select the middle option, which is the Settings menu.

And you want to do the redis file we just downloaded,so it's 'redis-4.0.2''.tar.gz'like so,and then get inside of thatWhich is directories so let's make sure it's thereso we got this directory hereso we could copy this-let's call it directory, if you want.And do-a quick note also for when you're taking this course.The version of this redis might be a little bit different.

So just make sure you enter the '4.0.2'or the '4.0.3', or whatever version you're onwhen you tar and when you enter the directorythat we're going to do here.So the best way to do thisis just do an 'ls' and check the files that are here.So you would see that redis is now the '4.0.2'but if for you it's different,then make sure you tar the right fileand make sure you cd into the right directory.So let's go ahead and cd inside of our directorythat we just copied, like so.

And then you will do the command 'make'.Another quick note, for those that don't havethe apple developer tools.When you enter 'make' and you click 'enter'it's going to ask you to install those tools.When you're done installing those tools,come back and do the 'make' command againbecause if you don't do the 'make' commandafter you have the Apple developer tools installed,it's not going to work.So make sure you do that.So I'm going to do the 'make' command.I have the apple developer tools already installedand it's going to do a whole bunch of stuff.

Redis Tool For Mac

If you don't see this,it means that you don't have the developer tools installed.It's going to ask you to install them.Install them and then do the 'make' command again.If you don't, up until you see those things happening,it means that it hasn't been installed yet. Okay?So the next thing we need to do,is actually start our redis server.So the best way to do this, is to do 'src/redis-server'like so.And this is going to start our server.

Redis Management Tool

So if you see this, our redis server is actually installed.For Windows folks, when you first install redis on Windows,it starts service automatically,and uses the default port 6379.So when you try to run the server again,it's trying to use a port already in use.So the solution is to type 'shut down'in your newly started client,and then run the server again.But for more details on this issue,visit the stack overflow linkindicated on your screen.Now let's start the client.

Let's go ahead and tab a second window for our terminal.So for Mac, you can do Command+T to open a second taband for Windows folks, you just go to 'file'open a second tab and then consoleand you should be able to opena second tab for your console.So if we do an 'ls' right now,we're in the same directory.If you're not, make sure that you 'cd'to the actual directory where redis is installed.So, if you're not, most often you just need to do 'cd'and then the actual-let me just jump out and show it you.

Mac Redis Server

So if we do an 'ls',now I'm going to be able to see that directory.If you're at the top level,just go ahead and do a 'cd' again.And then the name of the directoryand then we're back inside of here.So, to open the actual client is: 'src'and its redis client as opposed to redis servers.So 'redis-cli' like so.And then this will open the actual cli for our redis serversso now we're connected to the redis servers.This is the official ip address for the redis server,and this is the query.

Redis Client For Mac

So we could literally insert a new keyand I'm going to show you how all that works,very, very soon soset name 'manny', so I'm actually entering a new key.And then what I could do isI get the key like so,and you'll see when you're using redis cli.You'll see that they will always suggestwhat you could do next, like so.'Get name' and there you go.I have an official cli client installedand the redis server installed.So now that we've got a redis server installed and running,and we could literally continue the coursewithout installing any other tools,but I want to take a look at a few options availablebefore we move on.